the online live music gig guide for birmingham & the midlands

This Wicked Tongue

Here's a band playing loud, new, heavy rock and making absolutely no compromises vocally. You could listen to Tina V singing a capella and you'd love it. This voice has feeling, and it will seduce you with its velvet emotion before exploding with volcanic ferocity. Always note perfect, and always with that unique beguiling tone.
But that says nothing of the band. These guys know what they're doing. Seriously good - loud distorted guitars, awesome drumming, seismic riffs, and all along, memorable hooks you never tire of.
This Wicked Tongue has such a range of songs, they take you on a journey, changing gears, accelerating, braking and cornering with speed and power. You are constantly surprised, and never bored.
We think you'll love it....

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